Thursday, September 20, 2012

Bullying takes many forms...

Hey guys, Xavier here again…
The new school year is a really exciting time to reunite with friends after the long summer break, but it can also be a time of anxiety for students who are bullied. But there is hope! In our hands, we have the power to prevent and stop bullying, and this starts with accepting and appreciating differences.
When we learn to embrace that we’re all different we can begin to understand that bullying often occurs because we’re just afraid of each other. Just like our many differences, bullying takes many forms. According to a recent article from Bullying Education about half of all students experience some kind of bullying. When I first read that number, I was really shocked, but then I realized that bullying occurs in many forms, and can include:
·      Physical bullying (such as fighting)
·      Verbal bullying (repeated name calling)
·      Bullying through social exclusion or isolating
·      Intimidating or singling out an individual or group due to race, ethnic, religious,        sexual orientation, or other differences
·      Spreading lies or false rumors
·      Sexual harassment and/or intimidation
·      Being threatened or forced to do things by students who bully
·      Cyber bullying (through cell phones or the internet)
·      Having possession or money damaged or taken from students who bully 
Let's get one thing straight: bullying is NOT a rite of passage that students must endure in order to become adults. It’s an epidemic in schools across the country and causes a great deal of distress for victims. The effects of bullying range from anxiety and depression, to thoughts of suicide and in some cases, can even lead some students to take their own lives. No one should have to worry about their own safety when they’re trying to learn. Join me and together let’s “Be a Hero” and put an end to bullying!
For more information on Acception’s solution-based approach to bullying prevention in the classroom, visit

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