Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Physical bullying hurts boys more than girls...

Hey guys, Xavier here again...

I've decided it would probably be a good idea to take a deeper look at each form of bullying so we are better prepared to deal with it when it happens at school. Today I'm going to talk about physical bullying. 

According to an article on Bullying Statistics, physical bullying can come in many different forms, including:

  • Hitting
  • Pushing
  • Tripping
  • Slapping
  • Spitting
  • Stealing or destroying possessions, including books, clothing, or lunch money
There are some common signs you can look for to determine whether one of your classmates is the victim of physical bullying. Some obvious ones include leaving school with bruises and cuts or having clothes or books damaged.

There are also some less obvious indicators that one of your friends might be in trouble, such as skipping certain classes or avoiding certain people. For example, in the film Acception, Thomas often left his previous class (before Phys Ed) early so he wouldn't have to change in front of the other guys. He was so embarrassed that his body didn't measure up to the football guys - I'm sure many of us can relate to that! You can watch his story of physical bullying on YouTube by clicking here.

One other thing we need to remember about physical bullying is that guys are more likely to be bullied in this way than girls. So if you see a classmate being shoved against a locker or tripped in the hallway, "Be a Hero and Stop a Bully" could save a life!

 For more information on Acception’s solution-based approach to bullying prevention in the classroom, visit

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